Leksell GammaPlan® ImageMerge™

Leksell GammaPlan® ImageMerge™ Enlarge image
ImageMerge™ facilitates better interpretation by enabling the co-registration of image studies with one other.

One image study scanned with Leksell® Coordinate Frame can thus be matched with any other image study when it is convenient to use previously scanned images.The fully automatic option is both fast and highly accurate, with no need to define any anatomical landmarks.

As part of the automatic co-registration a movable lens is displayed in both images in order to facilitate checking the accuracy of the result. If necessary, manual co-registration is possible.

When the co-registration is completed the image studies are displayed in axial, sagittal and coronal directions to further verify the result.

ImageMerge supports both MR and CT images, and PET images (with the optional ColorPET™ module).


Article No: 1016989

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